Friday, February 19, 2010

There was great excitiement this week when a young couple from Philadelphia told me they had seen a lynx on their walk but sadly it was dead. Because of the rather wet conditions they didnt take a photo but they were adamant that is was and it seemed to fit all the criteria. I was so intrigued that I was going to make a special visit to the scene to record and log the details but upon reviewing again the description the following day there was a big loophole in their story - one said the 'cat' had a short bobby tail, the other said it was very long. When showing them a photo of possible animals it became clear that what they had actually seen was a genet - a wild cat with a long ringed tail however with the animal being dead the tail had become partially hidden but it definitely was not bobbed.

My brother while out jogging early in the morning in the west Algarve did see a lynx and this prompted a visit from 3 members of the Nature Conservancy group from Lisbon. My brother had returned home but I took them to the spot where they collected droppings which later confirmed that these were indeed from the Iberian Lynx. They also showed me how to look for, possible identify and collect droppings while out walking so these days where ever I go I have in my rucksack small plastic bags. Sadly I have yet to see one of these wonderful creatures.