Monday, April 26, 2010

This has been a very difficult time for us with the disruptions caused by the flying ban. Sadly many of our clients could not make their holidays and it was really difficult to hear their disappointment on the phone while others could not fly out with one couple having to spend an extra 9 days here waiting for a flight. As one of our clients said 'sometimes life is just not fair'. It is true but what we have to do is appreciate what we have, a dear friend and fellow walker has just been diagnosed with incurable lung cancer (a lifetime non- smoker)and that just puts everything into perspective.
On Saturday my good friends from the Bolton HF walking club arrived, this is the 7th holiday I have arranged for them (I have even taken them to Spain and the French Pyrenees)and their sense of humour continues to shine. They may be getting older and cannot walk as far but my goodness we can have a good laugh and that in itself makes you feel so much better.
May the sun shine on you whereever you are.