While taking my dog on a short walk this afternoon I was treated to a wonderful display by a pair of booted eagles riding the thermals overhead. This is a walk I do very often, usually I must admit from pure laziness but my dog enjoys it running, sniffing back and forth as if it is her first time and this got me to thinking........ Often people will as a way of an excuse tell me that they will be missing a Wednesday or Saturday walk because they 'have done that one'. I never see walks like that, to me there is always something new to discover and see (we very rarely repeat walks in a season so it may be a good 9 - 12 months since these folk walked a particular walk) - nature is never still and walks cannot be 'ticked' off like a shopping list.
It has been a very busy week, a company in the UK wanted a proposal for a sponsored cycle ride across south Portugal and a Dutch company wants to bring 18 people for a short break in March, both have involved visits to new hotels etc which has been very interesting. Why oh why when business is difficult do some hotels want to put prices up - their logic just beat me!